Gerd Becker is a Senior Consultant at Cristie Data GmbH, an IBM Business Partner in Germany. He was more than 22 years a Project Manager for EMPALIS Consulting GmbH. He has more than 45 years of IT experience, including over 25 years of experience with storage management products such as DFSMS and Tivoli Storage Manager. His areas of expertise include IBM Tivoli Storage Manager implementation projects and education at customer sites, including mainframe environments (OS/390®, VSE, VM, and Linux® for zSeries®). In the context of data protection he has certifications and experience in project management. He holds several certifications, including technical and sales, and is an IBM Tivoli Certified Instructor. He has developed and taught several storage classes for IBM Education Services in Germany, Switzerland and Austria and for qSkills in Nuernberg. He has been Chairman of the Guide Share Europe (GSE) Storage-Usergroup for more than 22 years and member of the committee organizing the well-known TSM or ISP Symposium. He is author of several IBM Redbooks and IBM Champion since 2019.